Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hooway for Wodney Wat by Helen Lester

This is not a new book but I just found it for the first time last week. It is a new favorite now! Hooway for Wodney Wat is a story about a rat who has trouble saying his R's. His classmates tease him about his speech which makes Rodney very shy and quiet. However, when a big mean Capybara comes to Rodney's school and bullies is Rodney who has the voice to stand up to her! This is a sweet story with an important lesson. But it is also very funny and has some surprises along the way!

Poor Rodney Rat can't pronounce his R's and the other rodents tease him mercilessly. But when Camilla Capybara joins Rodney's class and announces that she is bigger, meaner, and smarter than any of the other rodents, everyone is afraid. It seems she really is bigger, meaner, and smarter than all of the rest of them. Until our unwitting hero, Wodney Wat, catches Camilla out in a game of Simon Says. Children will delight as shy Rodney Rat triumphs over all and his tiny voice decides the day, R's or no R's.

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