"There was a little girl who had a little curl.
On top of her head it glittered.
When she was good, she recycled all she could.
But when she was bad...she littered!"
Mother Goose has gone green-and this playful picture book invites kids to join the fun. In these delightful “recycled” rhymes, Old Mother Hubbard shops with cloth grocery bags; Old King Coal is a better old soul, working to keep our skies smoke-free; and Hickety, Pickety is now a cage-free hen!
Carin Berger's stunning and whimsical eco-friendly collages are created from ticket stubs, newspapers, and other reused items.
Carin Berger's stunning and whimsical eco-friendly collages are created from ticket stubs, newspapers, and other reused items.
I can not WAIT to get my hands on this one!!