Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pigs to the Rescue- LOL

I just found another new favorite! This is perfect for a home collection and school collection. Toddlers and elementary children will laugh out loud at this book! It is the sequel to Chickens to the Rescue by John Himmelman. www.johnhimmelman.com. The illustrations of the pigs coming to the rescue are hilarious! And kids will just love the repetitive text that you can all say together..."Pigs to the rescue!"

Farmer Greenstalk and his family have the darnedest luck. Broken-down tractors, kites stuck in trees—they’re always having problems! It’s a good thing they have such helpful farm animals on hand.
This time around, the pigs want to pitch in, and boy, do they ever! The Greenstalks soon find, though, that life might just be a little easier without their help…


  1. Have you read chickens to the rescue?

  2. No. Huber had it but I never paid attention to it. Now I HAVE to read it.
